Personal Log 2.6.2018

Unless you're blind, you've probably noticed there's been this dedicated indoctrination of the ideology of relevant truth along w/ the idea of "safe spaces". In other words, if anything makes you feel uncomfortable, inconveniences you or challenges your thinking and/or [your version of] truth, it's wrong & not to be tolerated.

I know of no where in the US Constitution where it guarantees a citizen personal comfort & safe spaces; if it's in there I can't find it...  

The concept seems to be contrary to Scripture too as the Bible commands us in 2 Timothy 2:3 to "endure hardness as a good soldier...". The word(s) for "endure hardness" is kakopatheĊ = to suffer (endure) evils (hardships, troubles), to be afflicted.

Kinda flies in the face of the current culture, huh?

The only way that muscles grow is through resistance. You cannot sit on the couch or at your desk all day & expect your muscles to grow, your body to get toned, your cardio to get fine-tuned, etc. It's through effort, discipline & resistance. You cannot expect to develop character if there are no challenges to it just as you cannot expect your faith to grow if everything is peachy. 

Life happens. 
Things happen. 
People do & say things that 
may hurt or offend you. 
Not everyone is on the 
same page or even the same book.

In my life I've:  
  • had my faith challenged in many different areas…
  • been hurt, healed, hurt & healed time & again…
  • been insulted, disrespected, rejected, ostracized, threatened, harassed, beat up…
  • had to walk by faith in many areas, oftentimes having to choose between gas or groceries…
  • been cold & been hungry...
  • been persecuted & ridiculed for my faith... 
  • been called everything but a white boy...    

If I had not lived the life I did & experienced what I went through, where would my faith be? What level would my faith in God be? How far & how deep would I know & trust Him? 

It's hard to be a crockpot in a microwave society: some things take time, some things are hard, not everything is a quick fix like removing irritations or offenses. 

There are no safe spaces in the real world.

Freedom, healing, spiritual growth & character development comes through the process of conflict, confrontation, affliction & suffering, not through safe spaces.


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