Personal Log 11.5.21

 7 Mountains of Influence:

1. Religion (spirituality):

- Church Body = Onsite + Online Gatherings

- Small Groups

- Marketplace

2. Family:

- Biological (Immediate & Extended)

3. Education (Biblical Truth + Bible-Centric Values):

- K - 12

- College & Universities

- Online Schools

4. Government/Politics:

- Local

- State

- National

5. Media (Communication):

- Radio/CB Radio/Airwaves

- TV News Stations 

- Newspapers 

- Internet News 

- Opinion (Blog)

6. Arts & Entertainment

- Music

- Film Making

- Television

- Social Media

- Arts/Performing Arts

- Sports 

7. Business (Economy/Finance)

- Create Wealth Through:

-- Ingenuity

-- Enterprise

-- Creativity

-- Effort

The following are a couple definitions of the word Ekklesia:

The Church consists of the members themselves. The word "Church" is translated from the Greek Ekklesia, meaning "called-out" or "assembly." The "church in the wilderness" consisted of those called out of physical Egypt; the New Testament church are those called out of the spiritual Egypt of false belief and practice dominating this world. When the biblical writers use Ekklesia in a context involving God and His people, they are drawing attention to the transcendent purpose for which God calls them out.                                        - Staff, Biblical Symbolism: Symbols of the Church

In a majority of scriptures, the Ekklesia is the whole of God's people, of which a congregation, a denomination, or a corporate entity form but a part. An army parallel may help illustrate the point. A division is part of an army. The army has several divisions. So then a division is an element of a greater army, and the army in turn is part of something even greater, the nation. Ekklesia, in this analogy, is the nation. In the Bible it is most often used in this sense. - John W. Ritenbaugh, Guard the Truth!

Numbers 33:53 “And ye shall dispossess the inhabitants of the land, and dwell therein: for I have given you the land to possess it.”

“Dispossess” is the word yāraš = to seize, take possession of, occupy, to cause others to possess or inherit

“Dwell” is the word yāšaḇ = to be set, to remain, to stay, to be inhabited

Habakkuk 2:14 “For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.”

“Filled” is the word mālā = to be full, be accomplished, abundance, to consecrate, fill the land, to be armed. 

“Cover” is the word kāsâ = to cover (for protection), spread over, overwhelm

Luke 19:13 “And He called His ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, 'Occupy till I come'”.

"Occupy" is pragmateuomai = to carry on the business of a banker or a trader, from the word pragma = what is done or being accomplished, spec. business, a commercial transaction from the word prassō = to be busy with, carry on, to accomplish, perform

If you'll notice, these are action words: to take possession of… to be inhabited… to consecrate… fill the land… be armed… overwhelm… carry on… accomplish...  set, remain, inhabit… they involve movement & mobilization. Sounds like something the Ekklesia was meant for = taking the land, overwhelming it, then inhabiting it; that includes the mountains of influence.

Not many people are taught the 7 Mountains of Influence & their place on those mountains. I've been talking to a few people after service on Sundays, just really listening to them & a good many of them wonder where they fit & what they're supposed to be doing. I think that sometimes I don't do my part in helping people identify their gifts & callings, then encouraging them to find their mountain & take the land for the Kingdom. 

I keep coming back to [the model of] the ministry of Jesus & in pouring over the Gospels, it looked like Jesus only spent 1% of His ministry in the temple; the other 99% of the time He was in the marketplace... influencing… teaching His Disciples how to influence… how to take the land… how to overwhelm it & then inhabit it.

My belief is that the Ekklesia was meant to completely dominate this world, every culture, every sphere of influence was meant to have the flavor of Heaven & be operating out of Kingdom principles so that the prophecy from Habakkuk will truly & practically come to pass.

I'm going to end it here & do a Part II, delving more into the practical applications of the 7 Mountains.

Stay Tuned. 


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