Personal Log 5.17.24

 I haven't blogged in a while, 'to be honest I'm not quite sure what to do w/ this blog o’ mine; I'm not getting much attention or traction regardless of what I post.  

Some random thoughts though (ramblings to some).

I’ve given up on people in general; ‘so tired of being the one to reach out to others & no one responds, my inbox is always empty as well as my texts. No relationship is healthy if one person is putting in all of the work/making all the effort. “Out of sight, out of mind” is so entrenched in people... and social media, in my opinion, has made things worse by making [most] every post all about you: what you’re eating, what you’re wearing, what you’re doing, where you’re at, etc, etc, etc… it seems as if everyone is living in their own little world, their own little bubbles & no one cares about anyone else. So I’m not reaching out anymore; ‘just going to focus on God & “be about the Father’s business”.

I have this friend from 20+ years ago, we went to Family Camp several years back & she eventually went down South, ‘got married, ‘had a couple of kids, etc; well, in the last few years she’s kinda gone off the rails; all she posts about is Flat Earth nonsense & also that the Biblical locations in the Bible are not in the Middle East/Israel, they’re in Utah. Yes, Utah (& the surrounding terrain) because, wait for it, Utah sounds similar to Judah. Of course, she has her Scriptural references that purport to support Flat Earth (firmament, foundations, pillars, etc) that’s surrounded by an ice wall; yes an ice wall. Whenever someone talks about Flat Earth, I’m always reminded of Psalm 103:12, “as far as the east from the west, so far does He remove our sins [transgressions] from us”. On a globe, when you reach the North Pole, you have nowhere to go but south again; same for when you reach the South Pole, you can only go north from there but when you go east you are continually going east & when you travel west you are continually going west, hence the Scripture... with Flat Earth, you eventually hit an ice wall going in any direction, which is contrary to Scripture.

My friend is convinced though that the Earth is flat & that Scripture supports it, she’s convinced that the true Biblical locations are here in America & not “over there”; her posts are judgmental, cold & heartless, condemning anyone who disagrees with her because “the Holy Spirit showed her these things” & disagreeing with her is disagreeing with God & the Bible; ‘reminds me of someone who once said “I AM the science…”

I’m not sure it’s even worth confronting her on this & her superior attitude toward everyone; your salvation is not based on whether you believe the earth is round or flat, neither is it based on whether you believe true Israel is in North America or the Middle East; it boils down to whether you accept or reject Jesus. 

There’s a lot of false teachers in the world which means there’s a lot of true teachers out there too; many of the false teachers are the major accusers of everyone else being false. I don’t allow division in the Men’s Ministry regarding this topic; there’s different men who somewhat follow different teachers/preachers, some that others in the Men’s Ministry do not follow & accuse of being false but I tell everyone this, “We all have our own opinions but continue to pray for each other & pray that truth is revealed; above all, love each other & keep Jesus as the focus but no arguing & no division.”

Onto other things…

I find I’m on Skype every day, every... single... day… I know that some people exclusively use Zoom or Whatsapp but Skype just works for me as well as for many others; there’s so many new features; it’s really becoming its own social media platform & I’m all for it.

Though Linux Mint & MX Linux are my distros of choice for any pc; I’m somewhat entertaining the idea of using Android as my daily driver, at least for Office apps. I find I’m using my old smartphone & two tablets much more than I used to; one w/ a bluetooth mouse/keyboard, the other w/ an OTG cable & USB mouse/keyboard. I’m exploring this a little further but it’s a very real possibility…

Anyway, I’m trying not to be apathetic about things & relationships, people are just not going to change & it’s not my job to shame them or change them; I just have to follow Christ & let God do His work in me as He's doing His work in others.


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