Personal Log 3.31.2018

In a split second, a large chunk of my life was lost…

On Good Friday, rather early in the morning, I dropped my WD Passport External drive. It slipped out of my hand & hit the carpet. At the time, I didn't think much about it but a little later I plugged it into my pc to work on some files &… nothing. It didn't register, it didn't read it. I plugged it into another pc & again... nothing. So I immediately did a little online research & found that once this external hard drive has been dropped it's pretty much a lost cause; there's internal damage that can only be fixed by a professional & then, it's “iffy”. The cost for sending it in & having it fixed runs into several hundred dollars (a couple of reports have it at 4 digits) & I just don't have that kind of money right now as 98% of my money is tied up in investments.

I wouldn't have lamented the loss of this drive if it hadn't contained several hundred audio files of recording projects but more importantly 30+ years of genealogy research... countless & rare photos... videos of my beloved & departed grandmother singing (which was a rare event)… genealogy charts of several family lines dating back hundreds & hundreds of years… information of events & adventures that my ancestors experienced… all lost. 

The sense of loss is beyond profound… 

Several times yesterday I almost broke into tears as I was wandering around, not sure what what to do but I kept reminding myself that in the light of eternity, it's really nothing. Everything in this life is temporary. 

Everything will eventually burn. 
My favorite pc will burn.
My favorite DVD's will burn.
All my guitars will burn.
My car will burn.
Everything we as humans value will burn.
This earth will burn & make way for a new earth.
Everything is temporary; everything...

I kept saying to myself, “at least I'm not Job”. Job lost more that I ever did: his farm, his house, his family, everything that he had invested in & that he valued was gone in one day & my loss of a simple external hard drive w/ years of research cannot even come close to that.

So now I start over, somehow, some way & I'm not even sure where to begin. When a huge chunk of your life has been wiped out & erased, yes there is loss but things happen, life happens & how we respond reveals our perspective & what we truly value...

2 Corinthians 4:18 AMP
"So we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are unseen; for the things which are visible are temporal [just brief and fleeting], but the things which are invisible are everlasting and imperishable"


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