Personal Log 3.3.2018

This was a rough week for me… 

I was looking forward on Wednesday to getting some recording done but my mom had an attack of some kind & we rushed her to medical care where we now think it was a micro stroke; any interruption of blood flow is just not good & at her age it's really not good. Her blood pressure was elevated for a good 48 hours afterward & after another visit to the doctor on Friday it finally lowered; as of now she's doing better but to be honest, it was a bit scary. 

I'm grateful for my parents & thankful I still have them. I have many friends & family members who lost their parents years ago & were, in essence, robbed of the opportunity to see them grow old. There comes a shift in a person's life when the ones who took care of you are now in your care... 

I pray for my family every day: my parents, my brothers & their kids, my cousins… I pray for my friends & for my pastors, who are probably attacked more often than I am. 

Everyone has a purpose on this earth, 
as Christians even more so & 
as long as there's breath, there's a mission. 

There's still more for my parents to do, more people to reach, more wisdom to impart to their kids & grandkids. Though I have my own challenges & attacks there's more for me to do & I'm going to do it until there's no breath left.


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