The Intramural Contention

intramural: involving or understood only by members of a single group

“I consider the government of the United States as interdicted by the Constitution from intermeddling with religious institutions. . . . I do not believe it is for the interest of religion to invite the civil magistrate to direct its exercises, its discipline, or its doctrine.” - Thomas Jefferson, 3rd US President

“As to religion, I hold it to be the indispensable duty of all government to protect all conscientious professors thereof, and I know of no other business which government hath to do therewith.” - Thomas Paine, American political activist, philosopher, political theorist, and revolutionary.

“Nothing is more dreaded than the national government meddling with religion.” - John Adams, 2nd US President

Some questions that are being asked lately in Christian circles & online forums regarding some Churches reopening during this pandemic:

- Is Jesus really the head of your Church or is the State the head of it? 

- Do you do what Jesus says or what the State says?

- If God tells you to lay hands on someone & pray for them will you be obedient or will you say, "No Lord, the State mandates that I can't."

All valid questions...

Let me be clear: I'm not slamming any fellowship that feels it's God's will to reopen right now & are following strict CDC guidelines to the letter, that's between them & God, I'm not here to judge that, they have to do what they think is right; I would not respect them otherwise. There are also many fellowships that are postponing their reopening & seeking the Lord as to the "how / when"; many are willing to wait a year or two as they simply do not have peace on the State mandating anything to them while others do have peace & are reopening w/ restrictions. 

I can see both sides of this issue on reopening / not reopening & there are many pastors, church leaders & ministers all over the country that have very real concerns: 

- Where do you draw the line on separation of Church & State?

- Just how much influence will you allow the State to have in your service & equally important, for how long? What if State social / physical distancing mandates last for the next 5 – 10 years? What long-term damage is that doing to the children in your fellowship?

- If you give the State an inch, will they take a mile & ultimately claim eminent domain?

- Do we really believe what we teach / preach? Are we willing to go to jail for obeying God rather than men?

There's many pastors, church leaders & Christians wrestling w/ all this right now & everyone needs to extend grace & mercy as they all individually & collectively sort this out, pray this out & go w/ their convictions either way w/o judgment from either side…

My pastor said to let the peace of the Holy Spirit be your guide; on reopening church services some people have that peace, some don't, some pastors have that peace, others don't.


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