Personal Log 1.1.21

This is my first blog of 2021, it's also the 8th Day of Christmas. It's the day that people reflect on Mary & her angelic visitation by Gabriel concerning her destiny: her upcoming pregnancy, which troubled her as she was a still a virgin & an unmarried one at that. Her question, “How can this be?” was an honest one. When Gabriel visited her cousin Elizabeth's husband Zecharaiah a few months earlier & prophesied the birth of his son who would grow up to be John the Baptist, he asked the same question & was struck mute. After all, this situation was nothing new in Israeli history: Hannah was barren & prayed to the Lord, He opened her womb to give birth to a boy who would grow up to be the prophet Samuel, so precedent was set but this, a virgin birth, was uncharted territory & only God could pull it off.

In writing this, I'm reminded of the time my pastor asked me to preach a sermon on a Sunday morning, I said “okay” but had no idea what I was going to preach on so I sat down & within 10 minutes I had 90% of it outlined. I remember it was on sowing, part of it was the seed process & I said to the people, how is not your problem, how is God's problem, all we do is plant in faith, faith is the key”.

At this moment, the United States is in uncharted territory. There's been several prophetic words from several prophetic voices in the land about the United States & it's future. In the natural, it looks much different than it does in the spiritual but just how God is going to bring His word to pass is not my problem nor my concern; like Mary, I simply have faith in Him & what He's spoken. He holds the present, He holds the future, He holds His children in the palm of His hand & He's got it all under control... 

On this 8th Day of Christmas as I look forward to 2021 & all it holds, all of the challenges I'm personally facing on every front I've recommitted myself to simply taking God His Word; I trust Him, I'm not worried about the “how”.


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