Personal Log 3.30.22

It's been rough lately…

I'm grateful to still have my parents but they are growing old, that's a reality that everyone has to face. Growing up, I never thought that I would be the one to take care of my folks when they got older; I guess I always figured that it would be an equal job/responsibility w/ my brothers & their families = that we'd all be around to help but that hasn't been the case. I have a brother in North Carolina & naturally, he can't run over & do things, that's a major haul… another brother is in the area but works a minimum of 11 hour days, is a trustee for his fellowship & has a lot of plates spinning,  still another brother is 30 minutes away but is on call 24/7 at a senior center so that leaves... me. 

I'm not saying my folks need 24 care & watching but that's kinda what they need right now. I didn't mind coming over & mowing their lawn or snow blowing their driveway for them, that's just what a good son does, but now I'm temporarily rooming w/ them & I find they need a little more help then I realized. 

My mom has had her health issues: heart, blood pressure & now hip. My dad has his challenges: heart, blood pressure, hearing/balance, fatigue, etc. Sometimes I'm up w/ either of them for a few hours in the middle of the night… sometimes every other night… & I've not gotten a whole lot of sleep in the last month & also, not gotten a whole lot of things done that I would normally get done. I find myself making more meals for them & also doing their laundry, housework & all that good stuff. Sometimes I can't find my dad & when I do, he's got a ladder leaned up against the house wanting to check something out on the roof or the garage, so I catch him & go up there myself to check things out. One thing's for sure: I'm busier than I've ever been keeping track of them, reminding them to take their pills & stay hydrated, etc.

In addition to some recording projects, I'm trying to finish my genealogy book but one thing I noticed in the US Census over the last 160+ years is that in many families, my own included, the parents were the head of the house, then 10 – 20 years later a couple of the sons were heads of their own house close by, but at least one son married & became the head of the house, with his own family & the parents were living there, retired, being taken care of. When they passed, the children & grandchildren of the current household would grow up & take care of their parents, where the cycle was repeated. At least one son remained & took care of everything. That hit me. 

Like I said, I don't mind [taking care of my parents] but I'm doing it alone. I have no one to help me. It's not like I have a flesh & blood person I can talk to any hour of the day or night, I just don't. I talk to God but sometimes it's not the same & He knows that. I wouldn't mind some help. Now, I'm not talking marriage (that ship didn't sail it sunk in the harbor); I'm too old & set in my ways but sometimes, I just need help.

My brothers & I are going to have to have “that talk” sometime in the future about what to do & when to do it. I know it would kill my folks to be put into a home or senior center. I remember when my maternal grandpa died, he & my grandma lived on a farm in South Haven for 50 – 60 years, raised a bunch of kids & grandkids there but when he died in 2009 my grandma was all alone on that big property. Her children would take turns staying w/ her but it got to be too much & they all had “that talk” where it was decided she would be moved into a senior center in town. It worked out well as my mom's cousins were only a few minutes away & could check on her or take her grocery shopping. She had a heart attack in April 2015 & the doctors gave her 6 weeks to live, so her kids moved her back to the family farm where one of her daughters (a hospice worker) could take care of her & she could die in peace, which she did that May.

I say all that to say this: sometimes life is tough, sometimes we have to make short-term sacrifices & you feel like you're on the verge of running out of grace for a situation/time. That's not possible of course but at times you do feel like it, but when El Shaddai/The All-Sufficient One, says [in 2 Corinthians 12:9] that His grace is sufficient, then it must be. The Greek word for sufficient is arkeō = to be possessed of unfailing strength, to be enough. It comes from the root word airō = to elevate, to take upon one's self and carry what has been raised up, to bear.

His grace doesn't mean that I don't get overwhelmed at times, I do. His grace doesn't mean that I don't get a little discouraged at times, I do. His grace doesn't mean that I don't get tired at times, I do. His grace doesn't mean that I don't get lonely at times, I do. 

His grace is sufficient because He Himself is sufficient.


  1. It makes one think about ones own end of life story. I have not a single issue helping to take care of my mom as she is not able to care for herself but the thought of my kids taking care of me makes me very uncomfortable. It's all in God's hands, ultimately. Trust in his plan for your life and those around you... but also... don't ignore your responsibility either.


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