Personal Log 4.28.23

So this wasn't the greatest week I've ever had; Sunday was a bit frustrating, a culmination of several factors that I may or may not expound upon... then spiritual attacks during the week. I'm no stranger to spiritual warfare, it's happening w/ increased frequency though... Wednesday I was reaching for a piece of wood & a huge, jagged splinter went about 1/2 inch into my index finger; I pulled it out & blood went everywhere. 30 minutes later, I accidentally touched a hot burn barrel & received a second degree burn 1/4 inch from where the splinter did it's damage. Not surprisingly, these injuries happened in the exact same place where I hold my guitar pick, so it's been painful to play... 'most inconvenient.

At Worship Team Practice last night I played w/ my mini-rig; it's the one I use for Youth Group, there's only three pedals: auto wah, overdrive & delay. I need to slightly tweak the overdrive & wah but other than that, it's a simple rig & I didn't feel like hauling out my main rig w/ tuner, noise suppressor, overdrive & two delay pedals. I've been accused of over-modulation & over-delay in my effects so this time, I'm keeping it simple.

Jonah is the book I've read the most often in my life, it's so revealing & it's the one that the men really connected with; perhaps because Jonah was so flawed, yet still was called by God, heard His voice clearly & was unintentionally effective. It's also the only book in the Bible where we're left w/ a cliffhanger of sorts: we have no idea what happened to Jonah, how the conversation w/ God ended, whether he had a good finish to his life or not... 

I'm not sure what it is, but lately people have been interrupting me, talking over me, or just not listening to what I'm saying. Now, I'm used to that w/ my folks, they're elderly & a little hard of hearing, so I have to speak up around them & they will naturally not hear what everyone is saying but what's the excuse everyone else? I'm reminded of my Grandpa Pratt, he was a quiet man & though I cannot confirm this, I think this was his mindset: "The older I get, the less I have to say..." More & more, my personal mindset is: "There's hearing loss & there's listening loss, know the difference..."

Okay, so I'm "back in the studio" so to speak, I had lost most all of my wav & mp3 files from earlier inexplicable pc & hard drive crashes but I did manage to recover some & find others (word of advice: back up your files to multiple drives!!) but I'm really trying to make a concerted to get some major recording done & finish some worship songs/projects & hopefully record a Christmas CD by Fall, 'just hard w/ taking care of my folks & all that stuff...

Anyway, it hasn't been the best week for me but there's always tomorrow & the promise it brings = new mercies.


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