The Sectarian Vexation

I just came out of a church service completely disgusted, I think though I'm more disappointed than disgusted. It was the first service for a new pastor who is a friend of mine, so I went there to support him, but I just couldn't take it & left before the offering.

Since I've gotten a revelation of grace & walked in that freedom, it's been very difficult for me to go back, look at, think about or even hear about anything law... the Bible is very clear & really very simple, you would need help to complicate grace. 

I walked in the building w/ an open mind & heart, open to the will of the Lord if it was His will for me to be a part of that fellowship again. I sensed a religious atmosphere in the place & it bothered me, but there was worship to be had so I worshiped. The increasing religious mindset was evident & I stood there, becoming more & more uncomfortable as the minutes ticked by.

Now those that know me know that I hate titles, as much as Jesus did but all I heard was, “Pastor this, Pastor that”. In Matthew 23, Jesus basically told His disciples to drop the titles, that it “shall not be so among you”; that's pretty clear. Now most Christians have no problem telling Catholics they're not to call priests “Father”, citing Matt 23, the very chapter they ignore when calling people “Pastor, Apostle, Prophet...”.

Some people call that hypocrisy.

I love being in God's presence” was what I heard in regards to the worship service. What? If God is w/ us & in us, are we not always in His presence, always? As long as people have a here-there mindset, they'll always think of God as “there” (in Heaven) & not “here” (in your heart). All these things were really bugging me & as I prayed for direction during worship, I said in my heart, “if he mentions Malachi 3:10 I'm leaving”. Well, guess what? He did & so did I.

Grace has spoiled me to anything Law.

I was disgusted & disappointed, 'still am... but not everyone is where I'm at & this I realize. Instead of judging, I need to pray for my friend to receive a radical revelation of grace & for his fellowship to also catch that revelation; that would be the only & I mean only way I would even consider being a part of that fellowship.

My heart aches, my head hurts & I need a shower to wash some things off of me... 


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