Hotspots: Hebrews 10:25 Part III
So what does Hebrews 10:25 really mean then? The book of Hebrews has a theme & it is not about religious attendance but about clinging to Christ, specifically the hope of Jesus Christ (verse 23).
Other verses that speak of this great “hope” of Jesus Christ and His return:
1 Thessalonians 4:13-14
“Now also we would not have you ignorant, brethren, about those who fall asleep [in death], that you may not grieve [for them] as the rest do who have no hope [beyond the grave].”
Titus 2:13
“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ”
So lets break Hebrews 10:25 down then revisit the overall picture:
"Forsake" in Greek is egkataleipō = quit, leave entirely, abandon completely, desert, to give up or renounce
The same word is found in Matt 27:46 “My God, My God, why have You forsaken (egkataleipō) me?” & also in 2 Tim 4:10 “for Demas has forsaken (egkataleipō) me”
Now, is someone who attends a church service once a month or once every 3 months completely abandoning or renouncing anything?
Hebrews was addressed to persecuted Jewish Christians who were completely (or considering) abandoning "faith in Christ".
"Assembling together" is a one word phrase from the Greek word episunsgoge or episynagoge = to be gathered together but to who or to whom?
It can be found in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2 “Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together (episynagoge) unto Him...”
This verse is telling us to cling to & "gather ourselves unto Christ" & don't be shaken. It has nothing to do w/ mandatory, weekly church attendance & everything to do w/ persistence to stay focused on Christ & His return.
Check out these other verses regarding our “hope” = gathering unto Christ: Matthew 23:37, Luke 13:34, Mark 13:26, Mark 1:33, Luke 12:1.
The book of Hebrews is all about not casting away the hope or confidence in Christ & His return, again it is not about mandatory, weekly church attendance; it is a command to hold fast to our profession of faith/hope, that was promised by Jesus that upon His return we will be gathered unto Him.
Verse 26 is a warning about what happens if a person forsakes the hope of gathering together w/ Christ: “For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins.”
This is encouragement not to turn away from the faith & hope of Christ coming to fulfill His promise lest they be cast into judgment as there is nothing more to be done for the remission of sins.
So, the writer of Hebrews is encouraging people throughout the entire book to hold fast, to not forsake their faith/hope/promise of being gathered unto Christ yet he takes a break in the middle of ten chapters, changes the subject & commands them to go to church every Sunday? That's quite a stretch..
Once again, is it good for Believers to get together & encourage one another on a regular or semi-regular basis? You bet it is. Now regular for some people is weekly, regular for others is monthly, for others still it's quarterly, for some that means in a Church building, for others that means in homes; like I stated in Part II it doesn't mention the frequency in which to assemble together. Is Hebrews 10:25 talking about mandatory, weekly church attendance? You bet it's not & that's pretty clear from the Greek study.
I cannot change what Greek words were used, I just can't but they were chosen for reason.
I cannot change what Greek words were used, I just can't but they were chosen for reason.
Is there any doubt that Hebrews 10:25 is one of the most abused & misrepresented Scriptures ever?
If more people would just take the time to study not just the content but the context, the Greek & Hebrew words & to actually be Berean regarding what they are taught we would see much more freedom & effectiveness in the Body of Christ today.
If more people would just take the time to study not just the content but the context, the Greek & Hebrew words & to actually be Berean regarding what they are taught we would see much more freedom & effectiveness in the Body of Christ today.
I agree that the passage isn't talking about Sunday morning church service. But it is talking about engaging with the body of Christ regularly, not just "being gathered" individually to Jesus. Verse 23 through 25 continually talks in the plural. "Let US consider one another" to stir up love and the gifts. (Love and gifts are manifest when interacting with people, not when you're alone watching Andy Griffith) Not forsaking the assembling of OURSELVES TOGETHER. EXHORTING ONE ANOTHER. If you're laying on the beach alone, who are you exhorting? Who is exhorting you? The whole passage is directed to pluralities of people. The idea of these verses is that some people stopped meeting and isolated themselves from the Body. Again, I'm not saying it's "Sunday morning church service," and I'm not saying that's the ideal system for engaging with Christians, because you can still just hide in the back and avoid the deeper relationships. That's why many churches do small groups and Sunday school classes and Men's ministries. Because it is "daily house to house."
ReplyDeleteYou sound like you haven't read all the parts to this topic, I've covered everything you've said in your comment. I'm all for people getting together on a regular basis & encouraging, exhorting & discipling one another but you have to admit this verse has been abused & misused into coercing weekly church attendance or being there “every time the doors are open” or you're “forsaking the assembling”. Scripture interprets Scripture & the Greek words & context speaks for itself.
ReplyDeleteI am glad to see someone that actually studied and used the Greek,examined the context and applied other verses which support the True meaning of Hebrews 10;25. Kudos to you my brother. Handshakes and Hugs in Christ.