Personal Log 7.21.24

 I've been meditating on Matthew 23:11 lately, where Jesus said "the greatest among you is/shall be your servant" & that's so very true; look around... who's constantly & consistently serving & who's constantly & consistently being served?  

I've recently begun to apply this statement to worship ministry & the song list, my foremost thought being this:

How can I best serve the song?

Where can I play?

Where can I not play?

What can I play?

Where can I go all out?

Where can I hold back?

Where can I prefer another instrument?

What best serves the song?

This puts me in a completely different mindset that it's not all about me; that even in a worship setting I can apply Romans 12:10 "prefer one another in love".

Arrangement is huge & let's be honest, not many people utilize it. More often then not, we're exposed to the kitchen sink mix = everyone playing & singing the same thing all the time throughout the song & worship set.

Acoustic guitarists have their base sound as do piano players. Keyboardists & lead guitar players have their signature sounds & also have access to a plethora of other pads & patches. Vocalists are... well... a different bunch, some only sing lead, others on the rare occasion can sing harmony but all in all it usually devolves into a mixture that is poured down the kitchen sink.

Arrangement takes alot of time, thought & effort & we lead by example, teaching & mentoring others in how to best serve the song by doing the following:

Here's where you sing & here's where you don't sing...

Here's where you play & here's where you refrain from playing...

Here's where a guitar solo fits...

Here's where a keyboard solo fits...

Here's where a piano solo fits...

Here's where a bass solo fits...

Here's where keyboards carry the whole song...

Here's where the acoustic guitar carries the whole song...

Here's where bass guitar carries the whole song...

Here's where we let the song breathe...

Here's where we give space for the Spirit to move...

Here's a great place for a prophetic song... etc, etc

Teaching the team to be sensitive to the Spirit as to the best way to... serve the song.

The greatest among you is your servant, regardless of the form that takes.


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