The Epigram Compendium: 2016 Edition

epigram: any witty, ingenious, or pointed saying tersely expressed

compendium: a summary, epitome, or abridgment  

I had my annual year-end blog half written but to be honest, it was just not coming together (in fact it was boring me to pieces) so I decided that I'd end 2016 w/ some of my favorite Scripture, tweets & quotes that I've posted over the last twelve months on Twitter & Google+.

For your viewing pleasure:

#Jesus gave His life both FOR us & TO us;
it's not just a changed life, it's an exchanged life.


A revelation always brings a revolution, in your life or in others.
Catch a revelation of #grace, in the Person of #Jesus.


When one chapter ends another begins, unless of course it's the end of the book –  #obvious


We don't wrestle w/ our needs, they're already supplied;
it's our wants that leave us sore, bruised & exhausted…



has made you. 
will carry you. 
will sustain you. 
will rescue you. 

This is MY God! Isaiah 46:4


Now is NOT the time for Christians to be at odds w/ each other over 
anything but heresy, there's a bigger picture here folks.


My Friend: "I'm not laughing at you I'm laughing w/ you"
Me: "But I'm... not... laughing..."


Praise AFTER the fact is CONFIRMATION of God's faithfulness.
Praise BEFORE the fact is CONFIDENCE in God's faithfulness.


Don't put people in a box, if you do you may as well call it a coffin,
nail it shut & lower it; let people be themselves.


"Are your excuses more important than your dreams?"
This is something I've been thinking about lately…


Men, if you love a woman, show her long before you tell her; 
actions scream what the heart whispers.


Resolve to let any problem in a relationship be one of communication, not commitment.


Grace is not so much “holier than thou”,
it's more like “holier than that”.


"What is the purpose of my life?" would be better asked as
"WHO is the purpose of my life?", one word can shift the focus.


Worry does not impress #God one bit, not one itty, bitty bit…


"Sometimes the #Truth is hard to swallow, 
that's why you have to wash it down w/ the Word."


Never underestimate the explosive power of forgiveness.


"If the Great Commission is true, our plans are not too big; they are too small." - Pat Morley


Too many Christians are not changing the world because
they're busy the changing diapers of other Christians. #growup


You'll never achieve unity by imposing uniformity.


The only people that like legalism are legalists & deep down,
I'm not so sure they're crazy about it either…


“The secret of a good sermon is having a good beginning & 
a good ending & having them as close together as possible" - George Burns


"The good Lord made us all, if we're good enough for Him we ought 
to be good enough for each other" - Jed Clampett #classictv


Hannah (in her bitterness) still had her #prayer answered by #God (in His mercy), think on that…


ONE sentence can change & transform an ENTIRE city; just look at Jonah... #chooseyourwords


Caeser came, saw & conquered;
#Jesus saw, came & more than conquered ~


You can't "love the Lord w/ all your heart" &
flirt w/ sin at the same time, be faithful ~ #Jesus #love


“Flirting w/ Moses is cheating on Jesus” - Andrew Farley


God loves the beautiful mess called “people”.


When you remove #God from anything, it becomes godless;
is that what you want for your family, community or country?


Actions speak louder than words, this is especially true for followers of Christ; walk the talk.


Some have accused me of not being spontaneous, I refer you to my calendar,
it has "be spontaneous" penciled in on every first & third Wednesday at 6 pm.


Time is short, you can play it safe or live by faith,
you can take it easy or you can take chances, your choice. 


You don't need permission to fulfill the Great Commission,
just open your mouth, your heart & your life, let God do the rest.


Jesus lived a life extraordinary, does your life 
reflect ordinary or that something "extra"? 


Next time you pray, be mindful of who's dominating the conversation.


Guys, some girls go for jerks, others go for gents
but it's awfully hard for them to resist godly... be godly.


Climb the mountains.
Forge the rivers.
Make new trails.
Take chances.
Push #faith to the limits.
You have one #life, live it.
Change the world.
Change your world.


#Jesus & His first Disciples didn't have social media,
they were simply social & turned the world upside down.


When the enemy comes creeping around your life,
'just remind him he's trespassing on private property.


A little personality goes a long way but a lot of personality goes a bit too far.


First impressions are important, but so are last impressions,
be aware of how you treat people & how you leave them feeling.


Those that truly walk in the light of Love have spent some time in the shadow of the Cross. #love


99% of the miracles of Jesus were under the old covenant,
we have a better covenant now; imagine the possibilities! #unstoppable


We'll never have peace in this world until the Prince of Peace is the center of our world. #truth


If you cannot interchange the words "servant" & "leader"
then you haven't grasped the concept of either... #truth


The best part about waking up is waking up; many people didn't make it;
be #thankful for every breath, every moment, every day.


You can look to the mountain or you can look to the 
One whose feet rest on that mountain, your choice... #perspective


We live in the most amazing, exciting time in all of human history,
have faith that in God, anything & everything is very much possible!


In the natural, the calm comes AFTER the storm; in the spiritual,
we as Christians have it DURING the storm, what a difference... 


Grow in love & let it be perfected in you; after all, 
perfect love tells fear to pack it's bags.


People don't hear what you think, they hear what you say & even then,
what they heard may not be what you said…


Desire + Discipline = Difference.


Your purpose & your destiny are tied to your identity in Christ,
personal revelation comes from knowing who you are in Him.

Miracles are spectacular but temporary,
it's better to live & operate in the Blessing, that's long-term -


Some questions are better left unanswered this side of Heaven…


Excellence is the outcome of habitual integrity.


Without integrity, you disintegrate.


Proverbs 16:21
"Sweetness of speech increases persuasiveness". 
In plain talk = you're never persuasive when abrasive.


Fear & Faith are both choices - you choose which one
you're going to live in & only one of those pleases God.


Fear will surrender to Faith or Faith will surrender to Fear,
only you decide who is the master & who is the slave...


‎"Hamburger Helper only works if the hamburger 
is ready to accept that it needs help" - Danny Chambers


"If your life isn't supernatural, it's superficial" – Andrew Wommack


Christian, you may not be on the same page w/ another Believer,
but at least you're in the same Book.


Jesus washed the dirty feet of:

Judas, who betrayed Him,
Peter, who denied Him,
& the Disciples, who deserted Him.

That's what God is like.


A Christian is someone whom God is with (Matt. 28:20), in (Col. 1:27), and for (Rom. 8:31).


  1. "When one door closes, another opens. When one door closes, another opens," says Markus as he eats through a chocolate advent calendar.


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