Personal Log: 1.2.2018

So, this is the second day of 2018, January 2nd, a brand new day in a brand new year; it's also the 9th Day of Christmas, according to the song it's where nine ladies dancing were given. I wouldn't know what to do w/ nine dancing ladies or even one lady (dancing or not): I don't have time for women right now anyway... 

I've been taking a few days off from social media: no Twitter, no Google+ & definitely no Facebook, I think I can do without people posting pics of their lunch or the shoes they want to buy or moaning about the weather. Sometimes it's just good to take a break from those things. Except in this instance to upload this blog, I'm turning off my pc (& it's staying off) & I'm not turning on my phone either (& it too is staying off) so I can rest, refocus & reset. 

I'm typing this blog on my old HP IPAQ 110 w/ the Think Outside Bluetooth Keyboard; yeah it took a few minutes to change the batteries on it & establish the bluetooth connection but it's worth it not to have the distraction of wifi & multiple notifications from multiple social media & email accounts, I have nothing urgent demanding my attention, it can all wait.

Early Sunday morning, on the last day of 2017, I was in a car accident: it was whiteout conditions, freezing temps & before I knew it I had driven off the road & rammed into a tree; both my car & myself were slightly banged up but any accident that you can walk away from is a good accident. It was the first accident I'd had in 20+ years... Thank God for His protection; there must still be a purpose for my life, 'must still be more things for me to do so I'd better be about the Father's business & get it done because life is short & there's really no guarantee of how long you have... 

I'm not sure what direction this blog is going to take this year but I'm open to just about anything.

Here's to 2018!


  1. That is a fine piece of old tech that you are using. There is a trend of using offline devices that are distraction free for creating content, I don't know how much of a trend but it is something I keep reading about.

    Glad to know you walked away from that accident. Time for a new(er) car?

  2. I really love using old tech & this is definitely distraction-free; I'm using it more now than I ever have & I'm actually being more productive! I've never heard of this trend but glad to hear there is one & that I'm not alone :)


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