Personal Log 3.6.2018
It's a been a rough & interesting week...
The Lord gave my mom a vision for a ministry & at 75 that means there's still much for her to do; ever since then she's been attacked in the area of her health & though she's been speaking healing verses over herself, taking authority & trusting God in all this, she does at times get a bit discouraged. Every 48 hours the enemy attacks her: Wednesday morning... Friday evening... Sunday morning as I'm heading to service I get a call...
I've been in her doctor's office more times in the last week than I care to be.
It's wearing down both her & myself a bit but we're not losing faith & the Lord is our strength. There are certain health issues that naturally come as a person gets older but when the Lord shows you something & gives you an assignment, the enemy takes notice. I've been serious about getting some tracks laid down & some projects finished & there's seems to be resistance & distractions all along the way, which to me means I'm on the right track (no pun intended) & 'just need to press forward.
I'm reminded of these Scriptures:
Luke 9:51
“Jesus steadfastly set His face toward Jerusalem”
The word for “steadfastly set” is stērizō =
- to make stable, place firmly, to strengthen
- to render constant, [confirm] one's mind
Acts 13:36
“For David, after he had served his own generation...”
The phrase "after he had served" is the Greek word hypēreteō =
- to minister, render services
"generation" is from the word genea =
- a group of men very much like each other in endowments, pursuits, character
- the whole multitude of men living at the same time
- an age, a space of 30-33 years
My mom has a heart for both women her own age & for the next generation, I have a heart for men & musicians; we're both resolute in our purposes & yes we'll be attacked but we're going to be faithful to the call, set our faces & minister.
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