Twelfth Night 2022
So the Christmas season has once again come to a close & I'm always a little sad when it does; that familiar lump in my throat when the last of the decorations are packed away…
The normal course of the year then plays out: Valentine's Day… St Patrick's Day… Spring weather & planting… Memorial Day… 4th of July… Dog Days of Summer… Labor Day… Harvest… Halloween… Thanksgiving… then finally the Christmas Season once again.
I've heard reports of more & more people who start pulling out the Christmas decorations on the last week of October & Halloween Night the celebration of Jesus begins. I personally endorse that, the Christmas Season is by far my favorite of all the Holidays; it's unique as it's not one day, it's a season & it's so very special. There's Advent... Christmas Eve & Day... the 12 Days of Christmas… there's caroling… baking… watching classic holiday movies… sledding… making snowmen… friends & family & food & laughter…
Today is Twelfth Night, according to, it's this: Twelfth Night was a big time of celebration with people holding large parties. During these parties, often the roles in society were reversed with the servants being served by the rich people. This dated back to medieval and Tudor times when Twelfth Night marked the end of 'Winter' which had started on 31st October with All Hallows Eve (Halloween).
In many parts of the UK, people also went Wassailing (caroling) on Twelfth Night.
This reminds me of Matthew 20:28 “just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”
Classic Holiday films are great but for the past few years I've been ending each Christmas Season w/ The Passion of the Christ. I know, it's traditionally an Easter (or Resurrection Sunday) film but I watch it on Twelfth Night to always remind me of just why Jesus came. Like Linus said in A Charlie Brown Christmas, “that's what Christmas is all about Charlie Brown”.
Every week I check the online Christmas Countdown clock but now, I'm counting down the days until Halloween so I can start the Yuletide Season early & who knows, perhaps it'll catch on & we can all celebrate Jesus just a little earlier & linger just a little bit longer.
If you're not celebrating Advent & the 12 Days of Christmas, I encourage you to try it for a couple of years. Christmas Eve/Day can be very hectic & stressful, it was never meant to be that way. Try stretching it out & you'll see the stress level vanish as each day becomes more Jesus-centric & more joyful. We did our major gift exchange on the 9th Day of Christmas (January 2nd) this year, some families exchange presents every day for 12 days, now that sounds like fun! Whatever works for you do it, but if you linger, the Christmas Spirit may just last the entire year.
Until then...
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