Personal Log 12.9.22

This was a tiring week…

Sunday night – Tuesday afternoon I was pretty much taking care of my mom constantly; she was having some health issues which finally evened out Tuesday night into Wednesday, from that point on she's been pretty good health-wise. Thank God for that; I'll take any good days I can get. Physical therapy has been good for her & at this rate, she should be fine in 3 – 4 months. So by early Spring I should be in own place once again & can check on the folks every couple of days.

I never realized how physically & emotionally draining something like this (housework, laundry, cooking, care giving, etc) really is in taking care of your folks…

So when I had a couple of minutes I checked out some Christian leaders to hear what they have to say about current events & for the most part, they're very encouraging about the hour we're living in & that this is/will be the Church's finest hour. There are some though that only look at the negative & yes, I'll name names: people like Mark Taylor & his coterie. He's very anti-501c3 for churches & anytime there's anything negative about a church (501c3), some scandal or whatnot, he magnifies it; he's never posted anything about the good that some churches are doing in their community. He's also very negative about prophetic people who don't get their revelation like he does. I used to listen to him a few years ago but quit as I saw he was going down a dark path… he also promotes an entity online called SIU = Spiritual Investigation Unit, an allegedly Christian organization that exists to expose [their idea of] false prophets & teachers. They are a faceless entity that takes anything/everything & reads into it, twisting it, causing confusion & division in their wake. They justify this criticism, judgmentalism & division among the brethren by saying [because their targets are a 501c3] “they're not my brethren” so they continue on their merry guilt-free way believing everyone else is false & they are the true Remnant.

I'm dealing w/ that right now on two fronts in real life: I have a relative that is never wrong & just causes problems in the family, you cannot talk to them (& no one wants to). I also have a friend who's the same way, he just has this mindset that he's right, he takes everyone's words & twists them, he has an agenda & gets easily offended. 'Praying for him & I love him in the Lord but I'm loving him from a distance…

I've been enjoying Advent, more than I ever have before, maybe it's because I'm getting more of a revelation of Jesus.

Yesterday, while I was walking around my folk's yard for a few minutes in prayer I started thinking about something that I had abandoned a few years back, it was the Assemblies of God Berean course. I had started it & to be honest, I'm not sure why I paused it. I'm sure I've lost all the workbooks in the move.

I thought about growing a beard but then remembered, "I can't grow a beard, it looks awful".

Anyway, that was my week & I'm tired, I mean really tired but I'm pressing on in every area.


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