The Golf Revelation: Part III

In Part I of this series I talked about switching things up, like the clubs you usually use & the way you do things; in Part II I shared on not keeping score & just enjoying the game; now I want to talk about “the grip”.

When I was first learning how to play golf, I was taught how to hold the club a certain way. Yes, there other ways of holding it but the “accepted” method was the globally popular interlocking grip used by most golfers on the planet. 

It worked well for the first few months but I found myself w/ a rigid swing & bad slice (for those who don't know what a slice is it's like throwing a curve ball in baseball, there the spin is intentional whereas in golf it's not). One day I was out in the yard during my quiet time: hitting some practice balls, meditating on the Lord, dwelling on Scripture & watching my ball curve through the air each time... 

I asked the Lord what I was doing wrong & He simply said, “change your grip”. So I unlocked my fingers & held my club like a baseball bat (the 10 finger grip as shown above), making minor adjustments & I found that my swing was smoother & the ball had virtually zero spin = a straighter path for the ball & a happier me!

There's something to be learned here:

Sometimes you just need to change your grip on Scripture & how you approach it. Sometimes people are so rigid in their beliefs, whether that's due to what they were taught or denominational doctrine. A bad doctrine or take on Scripture can be like a bad grip on your club & like sending your ball off to the side somewhere you find yourself in the woods & not the fairway.
I personally had to change my grip, both in golf & in my study Scripture; I was so rigid on Law, works, my performance, etc that over years & years caused me to develop a slice in my theology. Once I got a grip on grace & studied Scripture through the finished work of Christ on the Cross, through the eyes of grace, through resting in Him, through His performance & not mine… it reset my game. 


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