Saturday Reverie 3.12.2016

reverie: a state of dreamy meditation or fanciful musing...

So here it is, Saturday morning; the sun's playing hide & seek w/ the clouds, it's a bit chilly, a little damp & the aroma of coffee fills the house.

As I sit here, reflecting on my week I always ponder the age old question: why does the week go by so slow & the weekend so fast?

If you've kept up w/ my blogs you'll know that last Sunday was not the best day for me: I was very disappointed in my former fellowship, the one I had some hope to re-join because my friend has recently taken the position of senior pastor there. The religious atmosphere/mindset that morning was so thick it was choking & I had to leave. I will not be joining them anytime soon but the Lord told me not to be completely closed minded. It's a good idea not to burn bridges that you may have to cross down the road...  never say never & always keep your options open.

I've been looking over the political landscape & have come to this conclusion: it's not about platforms, it's about win-ability. What it comes down to is that it doesn't really matter what a candidate stands for, can they beat the other candidate? Many people are not crazy about Donald Trump but he's the only hope to beat Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. Each political party & their supporters naturally do not want the other party in the White House so the platforms really don't matter, it's a who-can-win-&-we'll-deal-w/-the-consequences-later scenario.

Whoever wins, there will be consequences.

I'm laying the groundwork for a new recording project, this week I pulled out some of my old worship songs & sat there, looking them over, wondering if they're “stuff” or “fluff”. Sometimes songs that the Lord gives you are not meant for anyone but you & Him, but I am writing new songs so we'll see what category they fall in.

I closed out my week w/ the classic 1954 movie “Sabrina” w/ Humphrey Bogart, William Holden & Audrey Hepburn; who is the only reason I would invent time travel & actually use it. 

“Sabrina” is the classic story of:
  • girl loves boy
  • boy doesn't know girl exists
  • girl goes away
  • girl comes back sophisticated
  • boy (who's now engaged) falls for girl
  • brother of boy woos girl
  • brother falls for girl
  • girl falls for brother
  • some kind of conflict
  • happy ending

If only life was as simple as that plot...


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