Saturday Reverie 3.5.2016

reverie: a state of dreamy meditation or fanciful musing...

As I reflect back on this week I would say it could very well be summed up in one word: "ing"; as in waiting, hoping, trusting, growing, praying, planning, seeking & being.

One of my former pastors had a saying, “We're human beings, not human doings”. That saying always bugged because he himself was all about doing...

I've been eating healthy since the first of the year; I cut out potatoes, corn & refined sugar. It's hard to avoid sugar as it's in everything however I'm not adding it to anything. I've lost one pound in the last three months. Yep, one pound. I'm not discouraged though, I may not reach my goal of a beach body but I'm one my way to a healthy one.

This week I was reflecting on the situations of two siblings in the Lord, one I like & one I don't like. 

Before you jump all over me or judge me, I love everyone, I just don't like everyone. Some people you get along w/, others you don't. We all have different personalities & sometimes they mesh, sometimes they clash. Back to my reverie...

In both cases, God just worked everything out for them in a short amount of time. One left, another arrived; both are experiencing new beginnings. Sometimes you can see the hand of God in things, other times you just can't see anything happening & that's where I'm at in my own life. I feel I'm on the verge of something but there seems to be no movement whatsoever. God is not a respecter of persons, if He can work things out for them, He can work things out for me.

This is where the waiting comes in, I wait.... & wait... & wait... & hope... & trust... & plan...

I'm not sure what note my week is ending on but at least it's making music ~


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