Saturday Reverie 2.27.2016

This was actually a pretty good week, despite the fact that I burned my hand; all I can say is there was a malfunctioning burner & some very hot oil involved. It stung for hours & there's some scarring but I think I'll live, I've had worse.

The weather this week ran the spectrum, warm & clear morphing into to a blizzard, but I really learned to slow down & appreciate some things:
  • a quiet sunrise on a cool February morning w/ a hot cup of coffee in your hand…
  • the aroma, taste & crunch of rye toast w/ apricot jam…
  • the comfort & warmth of a crackling fire during a blizzard…
  • waking up at 3 am to find God smiling at you & resting in that love that only He brings…

This week was kind of unusual in the fact that I barely had any kind of devotions, I just meditated on some truths in Scripture & meditated on the Lord. It was enough, it was more than enough.

I think I have Spring fever because I've been on a cleaning & organizing binge, everything from my computer desk & setup to clothes has been hit or soon will be. My desk is very cluttered but not unorganized, I know where everything is but feel the need to simplify, in fact I've recently gone retro for some things:

This is my old HP IPAQ pda, 'turned off the wifi & therefore there's no e-mail notifications to distract me; I have complete focus, Some people use this setup w/ their cell phone & bluetooth but I would hate to be in the middle of typing & have to answer my phone...  

My lap guitar received a lot of lovin' this week & I'm getting more used to it, hopefully I'll post a sample soon of some songs I've been working on.

Lastly, I've decided to give bullet journaling a try. I've been doing something similar like that for years but never consolidated anything into one notebook so we'll see how it goes!

So that was my week: appreciation, simplification, organization.


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