Saturday Reverie 2.6.2016
I can't tell you much about what happened this week because, to be honest, it was pretty much a blur; it went by so fast I can barely remember it but here goes:
Apparently I had a sinus infection, my entire nose was sore to the touch & it felt like I had a beach towel shoved up it. 'Not sure where I picked it up from but I was miserable… anyway, I was reading about the authority of the Believer the week before so I said to myself, “Self, don't be a hypocrite, practice what you preach” so I took authority & spoke directly to it, cursed all infection & inflammation in the name of Jesus & commanded healing to manifest. Well, within 24 hours the soreness was 90% gone & my passages were mostly clear. Needless to say, my faith was built up this week.
In other news….
I watched a classic movie that I've always been curious about but was never really that interested in seeing before but since I was kinda sick for a day or two, I decided to watch 1939's allegedly epic Gone With The Wind. All I can say was for 4 hours I was epic-ally bored so I renamed it Bored With The Film.
When I was a kid, most every Saturday night my brothers & I would play Michigan Rummy until all hours of the morning. If you're unfamiliar w/ it, it's a part-poker/part-rummy card game. Well, lately we've somewhat resurrected that on a grander scale w/ a new generation of Pratts; they're really digging it & so are we.
That was my week: my faith was built up, I was bored to tears & a tradition continues ~
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