The Valentine Anomaly
Well, today is Valentine's Day 2016.
Oh joy.
Now, don't get me wrong; I'm very happy for all those who have someone to love, I'm sure it's a wonderful thing to share your life, love, affection, dreams & all that jazz w/ someone.
I have never had a valentine on Valentine's Day, ever. Yes, I've dated & gone on dates in my life but somehow never managed to keep anyone's interest for longer than a week.
All my life I've heard that as soon as you give up, stop looking, commit it to the Lord, etc that it just happens, then God brings you someone. Well, that's not entirely true… I gave up several hundred years ago & I'm still alone.
It's tough. It's tough watching friends & family marry, become parents & then grandparents. It's tough when you can't find someone who believes like you do, someone who has caught a revelation of grace & walks in that. It's tough knowing that there's 6 billion people in the world & you're still alone. It's tough feeling that God has forgotten about you though you know deep down He really hasn't & never will.
Valentine's Day used to be the most bitter day for me but I've learned to handle it; some years I'm better at handling it than others. Today I'm a little cranky though, a little on edge…
I've heard all the sayings from well-intentioned people, “be patient… God's timing, not yours… she's not ready yet…”. I've read all the blogs & articles on “Jesus, my true Valentine… Jesus, my One true love…”. I've even heard a couple of people say that I'm a great example of contentment & purity in the Body of Christ. How wonderful. Those are all great but to me they sound like Charlie Brown's teachers, “wah wah… wah, wah, wah...”.
In all reality, I am content. I am happy. I'm still alone & at times get lonely.
However, I am complete in Christ. I have complete freedom in Christ. I know who I am in Him. His grace is sufficient; His grace is more than enough...
If you have someone, celebrate this day.
If you have no one, tolerate it.
Things may or may not change tomorrow but God & His love for you never changes.
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