You've Already Got It: Takeaway #4
This is another takeaway from grace teacher Andrew Wommack's book
“You've Already Got It (So Quit Trying To Get It)”
Takeaway # 4: Glory
Most people imagine the glory of God as being far off = gates of pearl, streets of gold, mansions, etc; however Ephesians 1:18 reveals that the riches of the glory of God's inheritance is in the saints. What's in heaven pales in comparison to what's already inside of you!
God's glory is in your born-again spirit, not in your body or soul! You must see who you are & what you have in the spirit realm through God's Word & then believe it by faith. God's glory is already inside your spirit.
If you focus your attention on who you are & what you have in Christ, recognizing that it's a done deal & that the glory you'll experience throughout all eternity is already inside you, you'd start enjoying victory.
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