There Were Giants In Those Days...

I read a Christian blog this week & in it, the blogger kept referring to the Church of the Living God as "the sleeping giant"; that was his perception & so he wrote from that. The blog was hard get through & the more I read it, the more I felt the spirit of slap coming on me; I honestly wanted to reach through the blog & slap the blogger, all in Christian love of course...

When I was growing up, there was a saying on my folk's fridge that I'll never forget:

"How you see Him is how you serve Him"

This blogger called the Church as he saw it = sleeping, vulnerable, weak, ineffective, basically doing nothing. I could understand where he was coming from & why he blogged what he blogged:
  • Where are the movers & shakers? 
  • Where are the signs & wonders?
  • Where are the greater works Jesus talked of?

At this point, many would just settle for the same works He did...

I say all that to say this: this not how I see the Church or really, how the Church should see itself. If we're really preaching, living & demonstrating the Kingdom, if Jesus is truly building His Church, His Ekklesia, then who are we, in our limited sight, to call it something other than awake, alive, strong, effective, beautiful & perfect?

When the spies came back from scouting the Promised Land, all 12 saw the giants: 10 of them saw themselves as grasshoppers in their sight, the other two saw themselves as giant killers. Perception is huge, how you see what you see can paralyze or propel you.

As long as [some] people continue to see the Church of the Living God as a sleeping giant, they'll never truly be the movers & shakers, they'll never truly enter into the realm of signs & wonders.

Folks, things are happening, that which can be shaken is being shaken, many are being saved, discipled & equipped; many are being delivered, healed & restored. The Church of the Living God is alive, active & vibrant in the world today; whether you see it or not, whether you believe it or not.   

Someday we'll look back & say, "there were giants in those days & their names were 'Perception'."


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