Well, it's 2016.

When I was a kid I imagined 2016 looking something like the Jetsons w/ clear bubble houses, self-driving and/or flying cars, interactive/semi-intelligent computers & all that jazz. Well, we have some of those things (computers & jazz music) but overall, the future is definitely not what I imagined it to be...

Every New Years you hear the Scriptures & sermons being preached: "leaving or forgetting those things which are behind, reaching forth to those to those things which are ahead... old things are passed away, all things are become new..." 

2015 wasn't a bad year but it came off of 2014 which wasn't a good year for me, I was & still am "in transition" whatever that is; it's hard to articulate but most of you know exactly what I mean when I say that, it's a blanket catch-all phrase anyway.

New Years is a time to face the world w/ a clean slate but you know what? It doesn't have to be limited to New Years Day, every single day can be a new slate, every single morning His mercies are new; every single moment you are inhaling new life & exhaling the old.

I want to encourage everyone to really, truly leave your past behind. Whatever happened in 2015 (hurts, pain, disappointments, failures) leave it there & look forward to what God has in store for you this year.

For some, you'll be changing jobs.
For some, you'll be changing fellowships.
For some, you'll be leaving home.
For some, you'll be coming home.
For some, you'll be getting married.

Embrace what the new year has for you but take it one day at a time, 2016 will unfold for you the way 2015 did & you what? You survived that one!


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