Twelfth Night
Today is Twelfth Night (or Eleventh Night, it depends on when you think the 12 Days of Christmas begin).
Christmas is my favorite time of year; it's a special time for me: family, friends, just a general cozy vibe from most everyone you meet. A few years ago I began observing the 12 Days of Christmas, since I love Christmas & hated to see it end I was for anything that would prolong my favorite Holiday & the 12 Days were it. I looked at the meaning behind this custom, the first day celebrates Jesus, the following days honor various saints & I thought well, I'll just honor Jesus for 12 more days.
I've been doing this for a few years now, while people are taking down their trees & getting ready for New Year's I'm still doing Holiday baking, still watching Christmas movies, still saying “Merry Christmas” & just enjoying the yuletide season.
In the West, the 12 Days of Christmas are just generally not observed, there's this excitement until Christmas Day & then... it's… over… some people even take down their trees & decorations Christmas night; they're ready to move on.
In general, people are the same way, they just don't enjoy the season they're in, they're always longing for the next thing whether it's the season or not & whether they're ready for it or not. In Winter they long for Summer, in Summer they long for more Summer; just like the retailers they're rushing things & never really enjoying the moment, the season, the time…
There was a time for the Cradle & there was a time for the Cross; Jesus knew the time of the Cross was fast approaching, John knew it too, that didn't stop him from putting his head on the chest of Jesus & enjoying the season, the moment he had w/ Him.
Valentine's Day will soon be here as will Easter & the 4th of July & then Halloween & Thanksgiving again, etc… whatever your favorite season is you can have it in your heart & still enjoy & savor the season you're in until that time comes on the calendar, but don't be in such a rush to move into the next season, it'll soon be here.
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