The Ekklesia Postulate

I've been camping out in Ecclesiastes lately; what brought me there was the words of Jesus in Matthew 16:18 when He said, “I will build My Church”. The Greek word for Church is Ekklesia, which means assembly & in my spirit I connected it w/ the Book of Ecclesiastes, which the Preacher addresses to the assembly.

After making this connection, the words of Solomon really jumped out at me, especially the part about “eat, drink & be merry” in other words, there's no greater joy than just simply enjoying life (& of course the One who gives you life); which Solomon did to the hilt. I'm sure Jesus enjoyed life too, yes He was on a mission & focused on His life's purpose but that didn't stop Him from enjoying [virtually] every facet of the human experience.

Jesus was a happy person, aside from the momentary anger at the temple, weeping over Jerusalem & the occasional frustration w/ His beloved inner circle of knuckleheads, He went about life pretty happy & content. It's my personal opinion that sometimes at night, when He was thinking about the day's events & some things that His Disciples said, He probably busted out laughing & fell asleep w/ a smile on His face.

He slept well, got up early & communed w/ His Father, probably ate a good breakfast, sometimes went for a long walk & communed w/ nature, looking over His handiwork everywhere He went... He smelled some flowers, felt the air in His lungs, listened to the waves hit the shore & maybe even skipped some rocks on the water.

He enjoyed good food, good wine, good company, bad company, all kinds of people… He enjoyed good discussions, taking religious people down a notch, building everyone else up a notch… He enjoyed sunrises & sunsets, taking naps in all kinds of weather (this is where I imitate Jesus the most), the sound of children laughing, the sound of community, the sight & sounds of life…

He ate, drank & was merry. He, like Solomon before Him, enjoyed life because He too knew the 144th Psalm that man is like a breath, his days are like a passing shadow so make the most of it.

As Solomon addressed the assembly in Ecclesiastes, so I think perhaps Jesus may be addressing the Ekklesia that He's building in this hour. Perhaps Jesus is reassuring us that He is indeed our rest, so relax & enjoy life! Let His peace permeate & surpass us, tomorrow will bring it's own set of joys & troubles, appointments & disappointments...

Trust your life to Him, trust your salvation & your growth to Him, don't sweat about the political landscape or even sweat the future at all; He's here now w/ us & as for tomorrow, He's already there & where He is, the storm is calm.

If life can be enjoyed under the sun, how much more can it be enjoyed with the Son?


  1. Enjoy the day. Awesome. Approach every day new no matter what happened yesterday and in the past.


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