From / For

The great thing about grace is this: it's already done.

Law was all about do, do, do.
Grace is all about done, done, done.
Law your effort.
Grace is Jesus' effort.

If you look at many of the OT battles, you'll see that Israel really didn't have that great a track record of victories. However, when the Lord gave them a word beforehand that the battle was already won, that He would deliver the enemy into their hands, they went into war w/ a different mindset & naturally achieved different results. They weren't fighting for victory, they were actually fighting from a position of victory. It was already a done deal.

Grace is already a done deal, Jesus conquered death & the grave; like Jentzen Franklin says, the devil doesn't even have the keys to his own house because Jesus took them!

When you pray, you're not praying for victory, you're praying from a position of victory. God has made you more than conquerors, the gates of Hell cannot prevail. The enemy is already defeated & humiliated (Matt 16:18, Rom 8:37, Col 2:15).

You don't pray for deliverance, you pray from a position of deliverance. You are a new creature in Christ w/ a new nature & a pure, clean, trustworthy heart (Col 3:10, Eph 4:24).

You don't pray for healing, you pray from a position of already being healed. Your healing was provided in the atonement of Jesus & by His stripes you were healed (I Peter 2:24).

You don't pray for provision, you pray from a position of being blessed w/ all spiritual blessing (Eph 1:3).

Andrew Wommack writes that when you read a newspaper the "news" has already happened. The good news of the gospel is it's already done! You simply have to appropriate by faith what God has already done & provided for by grace; then start operating out of that.

This is how you renew you mind folks, start thinking, praying, living & operating out of "from" not "for" & see how quickly things change!


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