Saturday Reverie 1.9.2016

reverie: a state of dreamy meditation or fanciful musing...

This wasn't a bad week, 'not a bad week at all. I did have a couple of 'bouts of insomnia & one again last night but overall it was pretty good.

I saw some cardinals this week, they stood in stark contrast to the snow & sky, it was quite a sight; the dancing red of the birds, the blinding white & the cool blue were just gorgeous...

Music I listened to

The Vince Guaraldi Trio. You may remember him from the Peanuts TV specials, his music defined those specials & really elevated them. Who thought you could use jazz in a kid's cartoon & it would go over? His music was so unique & just what I needed this week.

Danny Chambers. He's a worship leader out of Nashville, we used to do many of his songs about 15 years ago in our fellowship, his song "We Shall See The Glory" is pretty rockin', check him out on Youtube when you get the chance, here's a link:

Books I read

A Better Way To Pray by Andrew Wommack = Old Covenant prayers just won't work in a New Covenant life...

You've Already Got It (So Quit Trying To Get It) by Andrew Wommack = Too many Christians are praying for things that God has already given them...

Books I started reading:

The Master's Grip: Lessons For Winning In Life & Golf by Jim Sheard & Scott Lehman = Simple Biblical devotions that can be applied on & off the greens...

Revolution by George Barna = Committed, born-again Believers are leaving the church but not leaving the faith...

Think Like Jesus by George Barna = What is a Biblical worldview & just how do we "think like Jesus"?

The Crisscross Shadow by Franklin W. Dixon = The Hardy Boys go camping!

Scripture for the week

Habakkuik 3:19
" The Lord God is my strength, my bravery. 
He will walk me through places of trouble & suffering"

Hebrews 13:5 
"I will never leave you nor forsake you"

Well, that was my week; there was beauty & youth, fun & depth, add a dash of assurance from God & it doesn't get much better ~


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